NAVAC: The National Association of Veterans Affairs Chaplains
Mission of the Association
The National Association of Veterans Affairs Chaplains (NAVAC) is a professional organization comprised of Chaplains in the Department of Veterans Affairs and its affiliates. In carrying out the ideal expressed by Abraham Lincoln, “To Care for Him Who Shall Have Borne the Battle,” the Mission of NAVAC is the pursuit of excellence in providing pastoral care for veteran patients, their families, as well as the health care team. In order to accomplish its Mission, NAVAC provides opportunities for continuing education in pastoral care; serves as a certifying body; and serves as an advocate in seeking to encourage professional collegiality, personal growth, and the professional development of VA Chaplains.
Build a sense of community and identity among VA Chaplains and affiliates in a pluralistic, multidisciplinary setting.
Encourage research and publication by VA Chaplains for the enhanced pastoral care of VA patients.
Provide a journal of professional interest dealing with current issues in health and spiritual care for VA Chaplains.
Develop meaningful approaches to significant multidisciplinary patient care.
Support professional training and continuing education for all Chaplains.
Work with other professional groups in areas of mutual concern to all Chaplains.
Provide Chaplain certification and promote pastoral care standards of the highest quality.

Our Vision: We will be the provider of choice for certification of professional chaplains working within the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Our Mission: Our mission is to provide quality certification services to those who choose to belong to our organization.
Our Objective: To provide a forum regarding professionalism in standards and service in the provision of professional, spiritual and pastoral care.
NAVAC Leadership
The following persons provide leadership for NAVAC.
Steve Brandow; Board Chair
Wayne Bearden; President
Richard Moore; Vice-President
Barbara Speyer; Secretary
LaRon Stover; Treasurer
Gerald D. Schill; Membership
At Large:
Janice Green; Board Member
Randy Langner; Board Member
Antonette A. Tom; Board Member
Thomas J. Foster; Board Member
Certification Committee Chair:
Meeting Coordinator:
Mark Hall
Specialty Competency Certification Chairs:
Ronald Bearden
D. Matt Brown
Gretchen Hulse
Joe Stephens
Will Kinnaird
For Membership or Certification questions please email Chaplain David LeFavor at NAVACBCC@gmail.com.
For Billing or Payment questions please email Chaplain David LeFavor at NAVACBCC@gmail.com.
National Association of Veterans Affairs Chaplains
Write Us:
For Membership or Certification questions please email Chaplain David LeFavor at NAVACBCC@gmail.com.
For Billing or Payment questions please email Chaplain David LeFavor at NAVACBCC@gmail.com.
©2021 by NAVAC