NAVAC Moral Injury Specialty Certification (MI)
Application and Requirements
VA Medical Center:
VA Email:
Private Email:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
You must be a NAVAC Board Certified Chaplain and be current with NAVAC dues. Include email from Certification Chair showing paid up status and a copy of BCC.
1. RECOMMENDATION: Provide a letter from Chaplain Service Chief recommending the award of specialty certification in moral injury and verifying the following:
a. Completion of two years of chaplain service, with significant time working in the field of moral injury (including providing education, one-on-one counseling and/or in group settings).
b. That you provided training to students, staff, community mental health and/or religious leaders on the issue of moral injury on at least three occasions. Specify setting, date and time, verified by Service Chief.
c. That you diagnosed moral injury in patients’ charts (at least ten different Veterans over a two-year period), with follow-up documentation of your intervention.
a. Completion of the VHA Chaplain Advanced Education (CAVE) Moral Injury specialty track. Contact Certification Chair to set up this program.
b. Completion of a Moral Injury training course with a minimum 12 hours of specialized classroom or virtual instruction with attendant readings and reflection papers that equates somewhat to the above training offerings (i.e., does the training offer CEU’s to various disciplines for completion, is it recognized by reputable organizations, is it presented at a “graduate” level of instruction). Please provide the Certification Chair with details of this course in advance of participation. The Certification Chair will determine whether this course will satisfy training requirements.
3. READING: Document reading 20 selections from the recommended list (to include at least eight books and six journal articles or research papers), with a one-page critique of each selected item. (Suggestions: how was this helpful, how it advanced your understanding of moral injury, what aspects of the author’s definition or working assumption of moral injury align with your own and what aspects do not, etc.) Total reading should be not less than 2,500 pages from suggested list, with one third of the reading published in the last five years. Required reading from assignments in the TRAINING track above (2) apply to the 2,500 page minimum.
4. WRITING: Produce an original paper (15 to 20 pages double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman) which includes the following sections:
a. What is moral injury? Share various working definitions in the field (with appropriate attribution). Discuss how they are similar and different. Detail your own definition and why you hold it. Discuss how moral injury is similar to and different from PTSD.
b. What do mental health providers and chaplains each bring to moral injury diagnosis and treatment? Note similarities and differences in approach and provision of care.
c. Detail your working theology surrounding moral injury and its treatment. How do you address the subject with Veterans?
d. Describe your history of working with Veterans who suffer from moral injury over a two-year period. Provide copies of original materials, or reference printed materials used and their effectiveness.
e. Provide specific examples of how you worked collegially with mental health providers in addressing moral injury in your setting.
f. Detail at least four case studies of Veterans with moral injury and how you helped them with moral repair work. Ensure you include Veterans representing diversity in combat era, gender, age, and ethnicity. Include at least one “victimhood” and one “betrayal” case.
5. PRESENTATION: Submit a professionally composed PowerPoint presentation you prepared and presented on the subject of moral injury. The audience may be a group of chaplains/clergy, mental health providers, and/or patients.
6. FACILITATION: Facilitate at least two moral injury treatment groups; document participation and results. In a reflection paper, in detail, write on each group’s process, your leadership, collaboration with mental health professionals, use of materials, learning that is sharpening your skills as a provider, and outcomes for participants.
7. CURRENT RESUME (2 to 4 pages)
Mail Application: Send the completed application with all attachments to:
NAVAC Certification Committee Chairman
Chaplain David E. Lefavor, D.Min., BCC
Email: NAVACBCC@gmail.com
Send the $100 application fee to:
P.O. Box 1631
Newport News, VA 23601
Be thou advised:
Do not submit any original documents. Send only Single-Sided, 8 ½ x 11 size paper. Please do not staple or place in a binder.
NAVAC is a private organization that serves the certification needs of VA Chaplains and those interested in VA Chaplaincy. As NAVAC Certification Committee members are full-time VA Professional Chaplains, please expect that the certification process may take as long as 90 days once the completed application packets are received.
If you have other questions or need clarification, please contact Chaplain Lefavor at: NAVACBCC@gmail.com