Paying NAVAC Dues
Information for NAVAC members to pay dues
Please note: For those of you who have recently joined NAVAC, or just got BCC, or CCC in the last 4 months you are good to go until next year 2021!!!
Now, for NAVAC members: As you may know, our membership renewal program is off to a great start, and I want to thank those of you who have already paid your dues. As a member of NAVAC you have 3 options to pay your NAVAC dues:
Check, Credit Card, or PayPal
Cost of Dues:
Board Certified Chaplain $75
Certified Clinical Chaplain $50
Professional Chaplain $30
Competencies $25 for each
Paying by check:
Please make your check payable to NAVAC and mail to: NAVAC, PO Box 1631, Newport News, VA 23601
Paying by Credit Card:
Please print this form, complete and mail to:
PO Box 1631,
Newport News, VA 23601
Credit Card Information – MasterCard – Visa – Discover - American Express
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________ State:___________________ Zip:______________
Card Type: □ MasterCard □ Visa □ Discover □ American Express
Card Number: __________________________________________________________________
Card Verification Number (3 or 4 digit number): ______
Expiration Date: Day____ Month _____Year __________
Amount: $_______________
Authorizing Signature: _____________________________________________________
Paying by PayPal: To make that happen for you, please use this internet link:
Please note: The PayPal link does say "donation", that is the ONLY option that is available in PayPal. However, this link is secure and can also accept credit card input, or if you have a PayPal account, you can log on there. My suggestion is to log on with you PayPal account.
Board Certified - $75 Certified Clinical Chaplain - $50
Professional Chaplain - $30 Competencies - $25 for each