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NAVAC Membership



How to Join NAVAC


  • Complete a Professional Member Chaplain application and send your 1st year’s membership dues of $30.00 as a Professional Member Chaplain; you membership dues will remain at the Professional Member level until you apply for and are recognized at the Certified Clinical Chaplain or Board Certified Chaplain levels.

  • Anytime after joining as a Professional Member you may apply for recognition as a Certified Clinical Chaplain(CCC at $50.00) or Board Certified Chaplain (BCC at $100.00); these are separate processing fees, paid only once, and are non-refundable.​

  • You will be billed as a BCC or CCC member, and any Competency-In attained the year following these recognitions; the dues schedule is:

    • Certified Clinical Chaplain $50.00

    • Board Certified Chaplain $75.00

    • Competency-In $25.00 (each competency attained)




There are three levels of membership in NAVAC: 

Professional Member:* For anyone interested in Chaplaincy within VA - Employment in VA as a chaplain is not required. 

Certified Clinical Chaplain: A person recognized as having the education, training and experience to provide patient focused, clinically appropriate, interdisciplinary sensitive ministry to the VA and their family.

Board Certified Chaplain: In addition to meeting all requirements for Board Certification, this individual also meets a committee of professional chaplain peers for an interview regarding standards.


*Professional Membership includes: 
A. Chaplains currently employed by the VA in a full-time capacity, or as part-time, contract, intermittent, or fee basis Chaplain. 
B. Retired and former Chaplains, other federal Chaplains (e.g., military), endorsers and allied clinical professionals.





As NAVAC Certification Committee members are generally full-time VA Professional Chaplains, please expect that the certification process may take as long as 30 days for CCC applications and 90 days for BCC applicants once the completed application packets are received.


Who can apply for membership and/or certification with NAVAC:


NAVAC has two categories of membership. Category A members shall have all rights and privileges of membership. This category applies to individuals employed as chaplains in the VA. Category B member members shall have all the rights and privileges of membership except the right to vote, the right to hold office as either an Officer or Board Member, and the right to serve as a committee chairperson. Category B members include retired and former VA chaplains, other federal chaplains to include military chaplains and Bureau of Prison chaplains, also endorsers, and allied professionals with an interest in the VA chaplaincy. Members of both Category A and Category B may apply for membership and/or certification in NAVAC.




Professional Member - $30.00 
Certified Clinical Chaplain - $50.00 
Board Certified Chaplain - $75.00
Specialty Certifications - $25.00 in addition to the regular CCC/BCC Dues.



Click on the following links to download NAVAC Membership Application Forms:

Professional Member
Certified Clinical Member
Board Certified Chaplain

Professional Chaplain Competencies needed for certification


Or open and print these pages:


Professional Member
Certified Clinical Member
Board Certified Chaplain

Professional Chaplain Competencies Needed for Certification


Please Forward all Certification Fees and Annual Dues Payable to NAVAC to: 


P.O. Box 1631
Newport News, VA  23601




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